I know, I've been very tardy on updating my blog lately (if lately includes the last 2 1/2 months). So I'll do my best to fill everyone in. Ben is doing great. He continues to grow & change so fast (mostly growing up, he's a little on the skinny side like his daddy). He's had 2 haircuts from Grandma - only bang trims b/c I will not allow his curls to be cut, even if people say that he looks like a girl, I'm sure he'll thank me someday, yeah right! He's become much more vocal and has started to show his little temper and attitude, it's surprising sometimes. For example, when we bring him inside after he's been playing outside he lets us know he's unhappy about it by either throwing himself down and crying or flailing his little arms and crying. Another example - he was mad at my mom about something and proceeded to tell her off by saying "NA NA NA!", while pounding on the tray of his highchair. Mom swears I never had that kind of temper (as a baby:), so Eddie takes credit for that.
Recently Eddie and I decided to take an adult only vacation - 7 nights in the southern Caribbean visiting Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, Tortolla (British Virgin Island), St. Thomas and Puerto Rico.

I had reservations about leaving Ben for so long, but I was leaving him in good hands - w/my mom and step-dad. We decided this might be the only time we're able to take a trip like this (at least for the next 18 years or so), so we did it. Ben had a great time on the farm, he loves cows as he shows us by pointing and doing his best "moo", which kind of sounds like "nooo". We had a wonderful time but I was more than ready to get home and see my baby and with a bumpy 4 hour plane ride from Puerto Rico to Atlanta, I found myself praying and wondering if I'd ever see Ben again (I HATE flying btw). So needless to say I was very thankful to be back in St. Louis and overly anxious to hold Ben again. Our flight arrived very late in St. Louis so we had to pick Ben up the next morning. When my mom walked in the door carrying Ben, I ran to them and held out my arms. He had the biggest smile on his face and just rested his head on my shoulder smiling the entire time, it was so sweet! Eddie and I did enjoy our beautiful and relaxing vacation.
Right now Ben's favorite things are being outside, pressing any type of buttons, playing w/magnets on the fridge, cheering on the Cards with Daddy, and playing with his choo-choo train.

Eddie and I feel a bit overwhelmed at times - with an hour and 15 minute commute each day, 9-10 hour work days and then coming home to take care of our 1 year old, maintaining our home and trying to fit in exercise and nutrition meals, then making time for fun with Ben, there doesn't seem to be enough time for sleep. But welcome to parenthood, right? Hopefully I'll be able to update the blog on a more regular basis now, thanks for being patient!

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