I decided I should attempt at least one update this year:) Needless to say it has been a busy one - keeping up w/a two year old, maintaining our home, working full-time - life never slows down! I must admit that as Benjamin approached two I was already dreading the infamous 'terrible twos'. Now, I can honestly say that this has been my favorite age yet! It started out with some erratic tantrums as Eddie and I learned the ropes of disciplining a toddler, but thankfully that 'phase' didn't last too long.
Throughout the last 8 months, Ben has grown and learned so much. He can sing his ABC's w/no help, he can count to 20, he can sing the months of the year and days of the week, and the greatest accomplishment - he is potty trained! This was also something I dreaded but thanks to encouragement and help from his day-care teachers and peers, and Ben's ability to learn quickly, it wasn't so bad after-all. We're going on 2 1/2 months of being potty trained and I'm so thankful we're finished buying diapers! Ben's vocabulary has also progressed very rapidly. The two sweetest phases he has told me this year: "Mom, you so pretty" and "Mom, I love you SO much". He melts our hearts and amazes us with his sweet, loving nature. I'm also very proud to say that we're raising an avid reader. Ben loves books and many times we'll find him sitting quietly in his room with a pile of books, flipping through page by page, 'reading' out loud:)

He's also become much more independent. He wants to do almost everything by himself. Climbing in and out of the high chair, the car-seat, closing doors, pulling on his underwear, shorts, shoes, etc. It wasn't that long ago when I was carrying him into day-care and his teachers would pry him off of me, but now he walks in, hangs his jacket, hat and sunglasses in his cubby every morning before turning and waiving to me saying "bye-bye Mommy". It's bittersweet because it also shows how quickly he's growing up, but that's part of life.
Family news: Ben's cousin Saige turned 1 on May 19 and two months ago we found out Ben will have a new cousin, David and Courtney are expecting their first baby around Ben's birthday in early March!
Eddie and I attempted to sell our house this year but with the economy still being in a recession we decided to take it off the market and wait, hoping that next spring the market will improve.
Looking ahead Eddie and I are considering new ventures in career opportunities and the hope of expanding our family, soon. With fall upon us we're enjoying some of our favorite past-times: spending time with our family and friends, football, hunting, harvesting, etc. Before we know the holidays will have come and gone once again. Time flies but we remember to slow down and recognize how much God has blessed us, more than we ever imagined and more than we deserve.